Enhancing Farmer Productivity Through Climate Smart Agriculture Technologies
Plot 841, 11th Street, Nkana West, Kitwe
Mon-Sat: 08:00 - 17:00
21 Jan 2023

Junior Master Gardner At Work

The moment that we have all been waiting for finally arrived on 13th January, 2023. The innovative Junior Master Gardener program held its first information session at the American Centre at Copperbelt University in Kitwe.

An excellent session was led by Sally Yambayamba the CEO of Modern Agriculture Solutions with the children exhibiting keen interest in the information shared. It was an interactive time that attested to the fact that there is great interest amongst children in gardening and farming. Their enthusiasm was unbeatable and the company team were second to none in their encouragement of the young future gardeners and farmers.

Mrs. Sally Yambayamba the CEO of Modern Agriculture Solutions with the children exhibiting keen interest in the information shared.

The program is one of the new product lines for 2023 aimed at promoting the culture and love of gardening in children and youth aged between 5 and 19. The product will “Build a framework for knowledge  and exchange“. The company provides information each person needs to become the best gardener they can be. This product will focus on “Building a community of successful Home Gardeners” Gardening boosts creativity and inspiration, improves mental health, fosters trust and close relationships, and raises cultural awareness. It gives a sense home and belonging, as well as a safe, encouraging environment in which to learn new things. This new product line also promotes a better lifestyle through gardening as gardening is a great way to produce healthy food at home. In this program the company provides participants with the products they need to start their own garden at home so that they can grow, prepare and eat healthy produce made on their own.

By the end of the session the young participants were so excited that they insisted on being given a tour of the Demo plot that the company has at its Farmer Knowledge Hub in Luto at a date to be agreed . So for all those that did not participate in the information session keep your eyes glued to our website so that you don’t miss out on this exciting tour.

Follow this link for further information. modernagricsol.com

Remember” Young ones are the engine for future growth in farming”


21 Jan 2023

Modern Agriculture Solutions Across Borders

Once again Modern Agriculture Solutions has reached new frontiers by crossing borders into Congo DRC. This time the company was privileged to be part of a trade delegation of 50 Businesses that traveled to Congo DRC hosted by Zambia Development Agency (ZDA) with support from Embassy of Finland, AGS and ABSA.

The Company participated in pre arranged business to business meetings from 22nd to 24th September, 2022 in an event whose main objectives were to;

  • Introduce more Zambian entrepreneurs to the Congolese business environment;
  • Conduct business to business meetings between Zambian and Congolese businesses;
  • Promote Zambian products in the Congolese market;
  • Generate export deals and create market linkages and
  • Facilitate export transactions

The company currently has customers in Congo DRC and its team led by the CEO and Chief Technical Director, Changala Eustace Yambayamba was pleasantly surprised and grateful to see these customers come through to support them. It was clear evidence of the appreciation customers have of the business relationship the company has nurtured with them over time. This was clear evidence of the high quality and standards that the company offers with its products and services which are offered locally and across borders.

Modern Agriculture Solutions Limited Exhibits at the Grand Salon Agro Business Expo in DRC

The range of products and services can be found on our website modernagricsol.com. Visit the website for tailor made SMART farming solutions for smallholder farmers.

21 Jan 2023

Modern Agriculture Solutions Goes To North West

Business Linkages were of utmost priority for Modern Agriculture Solutions Limited as it traveled to the North Western Province on the 26th September, 2022 for the North Western Expo hosted by North Western Chamber of Commerce at the Royal Solwezi in Solwezi. As part of its business and market linkage activities the company has continued to aggressively pursue business opportunities through participating in international and local events and the expo whose theme was “Creating sustainable growth through business to business linkages” was the ideal platform for the company’s growth strategy.

The Company was represented by a powerful team led by the Chief Executive Officer and Chief Technical Director Changala Eustace Yambayamba that showcased the high quality products that Modern Agriculture Solutions has been providing to its customers over the years. The team showed their years of experience as they confidently introduced the Company and its products to the Guest of Honor of the Expo, Honorable Elias Mubanga, Minister of SMEs and Cooperatives. They were able to discuss among other things potential opportunities for future collaborations for SMART farming solutions for smallholder farmers both in North Western Province and Zambia as a whole. This is a major highlight for the company and it looks forward to working with the Ministry and other stakeholders in the development and growth of farmers.

Honorable Elias Mubanga, Minister of SMEs and Cooperatives visits the Modern Agriculture Solutions Limited Stand at the Exhibition.

Products and services on display included Irrigation Systems and poly pipes. Other products though physically not available were demonstrated through a wide range of marketing materials.

The show was not only an eye opener for the company and potential customers but also a rich source of linkages and opportunities with like-minded businesses and stakeholders.

Modern Agriculture Solutions recommends these Expos for any serious business that wants to grow through good exposure and networking.

Surely we shall continue to put ourselves on the map by attending future Expos as we know it shall reflect in our Growth and Visibility. We hope to see you at the next upcoming Expo. Keep updated on our website link modernagricsol.com

21 Jan 2023

Modern Agriculture Solutions “Empowering Women For Growth”

Modern Agriculture Solutions continued to champion its support to women by participating actively in women’s programs. This time it teamed up with other stakeholders in the Agriculture and Agribusiness sector to share information and exhibit at the first time ever Copperbelt Conference for Women in Agribusiness. The conference which hosted more than one hundred women in farming, was held on the 24th September, 2022 at Zambia Army Barracks, Mawlaik Banquet Hall in Kitwe. Among other key partners were Nkoka Women in Agrobusiness, Grizzly Mining, Saro, Camco, Seedco, Sweeney and Amiran.

The company made an engaging presentation on the theme “Empowering you through climate SMART, effective, affordable methods and technologies”. The presenter was the CEO and Chief Technical Director of Modern Agriculture Solutions Mr. Changala Eustace Yambayamba. His powerful presentation stimulated the interest of participants who were keen to gain information on available SMART irrigation systems and the profitability of onion growing as a business. The session was largely interactive and has culminated into the creation of an active Whatsapp group called Onion Growers CB with 92 active participants specifically for those interested in onion growing on the Copperbelt.

Chief Technical Director of Modern Agriculture Solutions Mr. Changala Eustace Yambayamba making a presentation.

If you are a woman farmer or interested in farming we advise you to join any one of our Active Groups so that you are always up to speed on our ongoing programs and initiatives. For further information you can contact us through our website link on modernagricsol.com