Enhancing Farmer Productivity Through Climate Smart Agriculture Technologies
Plot 841, 11th Street, Nkana West, Kitwe
Mon-Sat: 08:00 - 17:00
08 May 2023


One more award was added to the wall for MAS as the Chief Executive Officer received the prestigious Academy for Women Entrepreneurs (AWE) certificate at an elaborate graduation held in Lusaka for 200 graduates. The AWE program saw participants go through business courses, mentorship and coaching after which on completing successfully the certificate was rewarded and as usual MAS was successful in its quest. The AWE programme is implemented by WEAC (We Create) an organisation that supports women entrepreneurs at different levels from ideation, start up, growth and expansion.

This particular graduation included women from Kitwe, Ndola, Lusaka and Livingstone and was graced by the Honourable Elias Mubanga, Minister of Small and Medium Enterprises in the presence of U.S. Ambassador Michael Gonzales and the WEAC Executive Director Nambula Kachumi. Other partners present were Lupiya represented by its Chief Executive Officer Mrs. Evelyn Kaingu an Alumni beneficiary of the AWE program. The ceremony was beneficial as it allowed its graduates to network and even included a market tour of those who were able to showcase their products or services.

MAS believes that skills upgrading is  key in its  capacity building efforts and definitely this was another milestone achieved in getting closer to the top. The sky surely is the limit as we put our hands together and give a big  congratulations to our CEO, Mrs Sally Yambayamba.  Job  Well Done Indeed.

For more information on our activities, products or services please continue to join us on our Facebook, Whatsapp, or  website https//www.modernagricsol.com

01 Apr 2023

Modern Agriculture Solutions Making Inroads With The Mining Sector

On another exciting journey, Modern Agriculture Solutions Limited has now embarked on forging relationships with potential partners in the mining sector by participating in the “Women in Mining Forum and Exhibition 2023” held by Mopani in collaboration with Prospero Limited and CBU Africa Centre with the theme “ Creating deliberate spaces for information sharing, dialogue and business growth”. The event was held at Garden Court Hotel in Kitwe from 29th March to 30th March, 2023 and ended with a tour of Mopani mines on 31st March, 2023.

In its efforts to change the mindsets of the corporate world in the mining sector, Modern Agriculture Solutions Limited chose to showcase its products and services in order to encourage the big mining sector companies to include agriculture and better farming solutions in their Corporate Social Responsibilities (CSR). Mopani Copper Mines Plc specifically is a potential partner in enhancing productivity among smallholder farmers in Chief Nkana’s chiefdom. CSR programs for the community should actively encourage and support better farming solutions. Modern Agriculture Solutions Limited also showcased itself to women and miners as an encouragement to women and miners as potential new entrants into the agriculture sector. On exhibit were Rain hose irrigation of all sizes, Floppy irrigation, double emitter drip hand held planter, high pressure pumps, hybrid seeds and 3 inch filters.

Modern Agriculture Solutions Limited represented by the Chief Executive Officer, Ms. Sally Yambayamba and the Chief Technical Director, Mr. Changala Yambayamba was privileged to present its products and services to the Guest of Honour, the Permanent Secretary for the Ministry of Small and Medium Enterprises, Ms. Yvonne Mpundu. As words of encouragement on the first day of the event in her opening speech Ms. Mpundu noted that participation of organizations such as Prospero Limited and Mopani Copper Mines Plc in events such as the Forum and Exhibition was an avenue to influence policy that stimulates women’s participation in the mining sector. The event promotes government engagements with the private sector to interact on policies that can make an enabling environment in the mining value chain.

Modern Agriculture Solutions Limited C.E.O Ms. Sally Sampa Yambayamba and C.T.O Mr. Changala Yambayamba Touring Mopani Mine

Modern Agriculture Solutions in its quest to expand its horizons will continue to participate in important events such as this one and forge new partnerships and business linkages while maintaining its old ones.

To keep up to date on our activities, products and services check our website www.modernagricsol.com


18 Mar 2023

Modern Agriculture Solutions Where The Sky Is The Limit

Modern Agriculture Solutions Limited (MAS) is continuously moving to higher heights as it recently received its highest honor and privilege so far this year by showcasing its products and services to the highest office in the land. This year the 2023 Youth celebrations were held at the Arthur Davies Stadium in Kitwe on 12th March, 2023. The celebrations were officiated by His Excellency President Hakainde Hichilema who toured the stands of exhibiting participants which included MAS. He was accompanied by the Minister Of Small and Medium Enterprises and Cooperatives, Honorable Elias Mubanga.

Keeping up with its usual standards the Chief Executive Officer Mrs Sally Yamba Yamba of MAS represented the company and showcased various products that were on display which included rain hose, double emitter drip floppy, planters, high pressure pumps and hybrid seed. Apart from this the MAS vision was shared with an emphasis on the Knowledge Hub and how there work is enabling farmers to be productive all year round. Mrs Yamba Yamba emphasised on the importance of irrigation, all year round farming practices and how Kitwe is blessed with arable land and water bodies which are favorable for mass production. The Copperbelt should therefore also be referred to as the Greenbelt also. After a well rounded interaction with the president MAS management presented him with a notebook, business card, company profile and best of all a Rainhose irrigation system and mini drip with a commitment and promise to do the installation for the Highest office in Zambia.

What a wonderful and encouraging end to a Youth Day well spent , with an endorsement and a high five by Mr. President himself. As a company the President and his government have our full support when it comes to its Agriculture transformation policies which will see mother Zambia improve her GDP.
Hats off to the whole MAS Team for such a great achievement. Truly from now the Sky is the Limit.
Find us on our website: www.modernagricsol.com.


16 Mar 2023

Modern Agriculture Solutions working with Partners in Delivery

Modern Agriculture Solutions (MAS) has proven it’s reliability and ability to deliver on time. It has fulfilled it’s commitment to contractual obligations to deliver quality irrigation equipment to local farmers. MAS has been participating consistently in programs with the Accelerated Growth for Small and Medium Enterprises (AGS) Program and through these interactions was contracted by AGS to provide productive assets for irrigation to farmers. An official handover of the assets was conducted on Friday 17th February, 2023 at Kyabankanka Primary School in Kalumbila. The ceremony was officiated by Honorable Elias Mubanga, the Minister of Small and Medium Enterprises and Cooperatives in the presence of Mr. Garth Evans, Chief Technical Advisor (Team Leader) AGS, Ms Brenda Sakisa, Kalumbila District Commissioner, Ms Sylvia Mutale, Managing Consultant, Edgewise Business Solutions, Corporate Affairs Manager, Kansanshi Mines and Mr. Shadreck Munfunga Council Chairman of Kyabankanka.

In his speech the Minister highlighted the power of partnerships and joint venture initiatives both at Government-to-Government level and Business to Business level. He paid tribute to the role that AGS was playing in the roll out of it’s Program and it was truly a milestone in the Entrepreneurial space for productive assets to be handed over under the program.

The Minister expressed great pleasure that the economy is truly being driven by private sector supported by the New Dawn Government.  The Minister then handed over assets that included a tractor, motorcycle and a refrigerated truck amongst others. His encouragement to recipients of the assets was to use the assets to expand and support their businesses.

MAS was then given the wonderful opportunity of showcasing their vast expertise and products at Savuka Farms where the Minister toured the farm to appreciate the water reticulated installed at the farm. The farm is a beneficiary of productive assets in form of rain hose and drip irrigation, Rotavator, planters, venturi and high-pressure pumps supplied by MAS.

Overall, the Minister and his team were highly impressed with the professionalism and consistency in the work that MAS continues to display in improving productivity and livelihoods of small and medium scale farmers throughout the country.

MAS has various products readily available and suitable for farmers. For more information check our products on www.modernagricsol.com

15 Feb 2023

Modern Agriculture Solutions Women Empowerment at Work

Modern Agriculture Solutions (MAS) has once again shown its passion for empowering youth and women through job and wealth creation in the agricultural sector. This year it has made a deliberate move to bring on board an additional 10 women to work as employees of MAS. These women are now working confidently under the MAS umbrella knowing that they are now part of a team that enables and supports women to have a decent livelihood.

On another empowerment platform MAS is also working with another group of women from the community that purchase vegetables for resale at a very high turnover that has kept both MAS and the women busy and with constant income. It has proved beneficial to both parties in terms of income generation and wealth creation.

Modern Agriculture Solutions Women Empowerment at work.

For more details  in our work with women and youth please continue to visit our website for updates on our empowerment journey.

15 Feb 2023

Modern Agriculture Solutions Strengthens International Ties

Once again Modern Agriculture Solutions (MAS) has demonstrated the true value of maintaining good customer and supplier relationships. Through its market linkages MAS was recently invited to attend the “National Vegetable Field Day” hosted at Starke Ayres Headquarters in Johannesburg from 7th to 8th February, 2023. With experienced representation from its Chief Executive Officer, Ms. Sally Sampa Yambayamba and its Technical Director, Mr. Changala Yambayamba, MAS was well exposed to opportunities that only five companies from Zambia were priviledged to be a part of namely Panuka Farms, Sunshine Seedlings, Chimoko Seedlings and Premium Fresh Harvest Farms.

It was a great opportunity for MAS to view the latest development in the vegetable seed market from one of Africa’s leading suppliers of vegetable seeds. Starke Ayres was more than excited to showcase its breeding programmes and product range. Participants were guided through the processes of how seed is produced and treated. They were also given a great opportunity to observe seed that is not yet even on the market so as to understand the different varieties that will soon be on the open market.  Starke Ayres demonstrated its continued focus on broadening its genetic base and seed variety to provide the new genetics that the market requires. It was a great priviledge, as knowledge and information that was gained from intensive interaction with the knowledgeable Starke Ayres can now be shared with an increased level of confidence, valuable insight and new understanding.

“ Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) #17 is a call for action for us to forge ahead partnerships that can help achieve the SDGs”. In line with this we as MAS have made it a priority to strengthen business linkages and partners who contribute towards the following SDGs of no poverty, zero hunger, good health and well-being, affordable and clean energy and climate action to name but a few. We as MAS appreciate the synergies that we have with Starke Ayres as a partner in this area and we sincerely thank them and their team. Starke Ayres is one of our largest suppliers of quality seed for our production and we look forward to an even better partnerships with them.

For more information and insight on seeds please visit our website on www.modernagricsol.com or contact us on +260 97 9992600.

01 Feb 2023

Modern Agriculture Solutions Now In Your Favourite Supermarkets

Guess whose now in our favourite Supermarkets. Yes!! Our very own Modern Agriculture Solutions Limited is supplying up to 450 bundles of Chibanga Nkonde to Food Lovers Supermarket. It not only looks great on the shelves but is reasonably priced and tasty. This is a typical example of putting your money where your mouth is. Investing in this low cost vegetable has resulted in feeding many customers of Food Lovers Supermarket and in Modern Agriculture Solutions it has increased our income. We urge you not just to be customers but to also embark on this profitable journey of growing vegetables for sale.

As our Technical Director Mr. Changala Yambayamba says everyday ;

“Open your eyes and you will see that the money is in the simplest of things.”

At Modern Agriculture Solutions Limited we have on sale seeds for Chibanga Nkonde and also Chibwabwa, Lumanda, Lubanga and Bondwe. Feel free to visit our website on www.modernagricsol.com or contact us on +260979992600

21 Jan 2023

Junior Master Gardner At Work

The moment that we have all been waiting for finally arrived on 13th January, 2023. The innovative Junior Master Gardener program held its first information session at the American Centre at Copperbelt University in Kitwe.

An excellent session was led by Sally Yambayamba the CEO of Modern Agriculture Solutions with the children exhibiting keen interest in the information shared. It was an interactive time that attested to the fact that there is great interest amongst children in gardening and farming. Their enthusiasm was unbeatable and the company team were second to none in their encouragement of the young future gardeners and farmers.

Mrs. Sally Yambayamba the CEO of Modern Agriculture Solutions with the children exhibiting keen interest in the information shared.

The program is one of the new product lines for 2023 aimed at promoting the culture and love of gardening in children and youth aged between 5 and 19. The product will “Build a framework for knowledge  and exchange“. The company provides information each person needs to become the best gardener they can be. This product will focus on “Building a community of successful Home Gardeners” Gardening boosts creativity and inspiration, improves mental health, fosters trust and close relationships, and raises cultural awareness. It gives a sense home and belonging, as well as a safe, encouraging environment in which to learn new things. This new product line also promotes a better lifestyle through gardening as gardening is a great way to produce healthy food at home. In this program the company provides participants with the products they need to start their own garden at home so that they can grow, prepare and eat healthy produce made on their own.

By the end of the session the young participants were so excited that they insisted on being given a tour of the Demo plot that the company has at its Farmer Knowledge Hub in Luto at a date to be agreed . So for all those that did not participate in the information session keep your eyes glued to our website so that you don’t miss out on this exciting tour.

Follow this link for further information. modernagricsol.com

Remember” Young ones are the engine for future growth in farming”


21 Jan 2023

Modern Agriculture Solutions Across Borders

Once again Modern Agriculture Solutions has reached new frontiers by crossing borders into Congo DRC. This time the company was privileged to be part of a trade delegation of 50 Businesses that traveled to Congo DRC hosted by Zambia Development Agency (ZDA) with support from Embassy of Finland, AGS and ABSA.

The Company participated in pre arranged business to business meetings from 22nd to 24th September, 2022 in an event whose main objectives were to;

  • Introduce more Zambian entrepreneurs to the Congolese business environment;
  • Conduct business to business meetings between Zambian and Congolese businesses;
  • Promote Zambian products in the Congolese market;
  • Generate export deals and create market linkages and
  • Facilitate export transactions

The company currently has customers in Congo DRC and its team led by the CEO and Chief Technical Director, Changala Eustace Yambayamba was pleasantly surprised and grateful to see these customers come through to support them. It was clear evidence of the appreciation customers have of the business relationship the company has nurtured with them over time. This was clear evidence of the high quality and standards that the company offers with its products and services which are offered locally and across borders.

Modern Agriculture Solutions Limited Exhibits at the Grand Salon Agro Business Expo in DRC

The range of products and services can be found on our website modernagricsol.com. Visit the website for tailor made SMART farming solutions for smallholder farmers.

21 Jan 2023

Modern Agriculture Solutions Goes To North West

Business Linkages were of utmost priority for Modern Agriculture Solutions Limited as it traveled to the North Western Province on the 26th September, 2022 for the North Western Expo hosted by North Western Chamber of Commerce at the Royal Solwezi in Solwezi. As part of its business and market linkage activities the company has continued to aggressively pursue business opportunities through participating in international and local events and the expo whose theme was “Creating sustainable growth through business to business linkages” was the ideal platform for the company’s growth strategy.

The Company was represented by a powerful team led by the Chief Executive Officer and Chief Technical Director Changala Eustace Yambayamba that showcased the high quality products that Modern Agriculture Solutions has been providing to its customers over the years. The team showed their years of experience as they confidently introduced the Company and its products to the Guest of Honor of the Expo, Honorable Elias Mubanga, Minister of SMEs and Cooperatives. They were able to discuss among other things potential opportunities for future collaborations for SMART farming solutions for smallholder farmers both in North Western Province and Zambia as a whole. This is a major highlight for the company and it looks forward to working with the Ministry and other stakeholders in the development and growth of farmers.

Honorable Elias Mubanga, Minister of SMEs and Cooperatives visits the Modern Agriculture Solutions Limited Stand at the Exhibition.

Products and services on display included Irrigation Systems and poly pipes. Other products though physically not available were demonstrated through a wide range of marketing materials.

The show was not only an eye opener for the company and potential customers but also a rich source of linkages and opportunities with like-minded businesses and stakeholders.

Modern Agriculture Solutions recommends these Expos for any serious business that wants to grow through good exposure and networking.

Surely we shall continue to put ourselves on the map by attending future Expos as we know it shall reflect in our Growth and Visibility. We hope to see you at the next upcoming Expo. Keep updated on our website link modernagricsol.com