One more award was added to the wall for MAS as the Chief Executive Officer received the prestigious Academy for Women Entrepreneurs (AWE) certificate at an elaborate graduation held in Lusaka for 200 graduates. The AWE program saw participants go through business courses, mentorship and coaching after which on completing successfully the certificate was rewarded and as usual MAS was successful in its quest. The AWE programme is implemented by WEAC (We Create) an organisation that supports women entrepreneurs at different levels from ideation, start up, growth and expansion.
This particular graduation included women from Kitwe, Ndola, Lusaka and Livingstone and was graced by the Honourable Elias Mubanga, Minister of Small and Medium Enterprises in the presence of U.S. Ambassador Michael Gonzales and the WEAC Executive Director Nambula Kachumi. Other partners present were Lupiya represented by its Chief Executive Officer Mrs. Evelyn Kaingu an Alumni beneficiary of the AWE program. The ceremony was beneficial as it allowed its graduates to network and even included a market tour of those who were able to showcase their products or services.
MAS believes that skills upgrading is key in its capacity building efforts and definitely this was another milestone achieved in getting closer to the top. The sky surely is the limit as we put our hands together and give a big congratulations to our CEO, Mrs Sally Yambayamba. Job Well Done Indeed.
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